- Select
for Add Account, and make a selection from the menu.
From here, your steps will vary based on what type of account you want to add.
continued steps for Simple Account...
- Enter basic information for the account including a Description, Account Type, Owner, Market Value, Cost Basis, and Asset Class Weightings.
- You can also click the Return Rates and Savings Strategies links to modify return rates and savings information for the account.
- To specify additional details, click
- From the Account Details dialog box, define Goal Funding, Hold $/%, and Valuation Date information for the account.
- Follow the instructions in this step if they apply to the account you are entering.
- If applicable, select Add Holdings and enter holding information into the Holdings subtab.
- If applicable, select Add Savings Strategy from the Savings Strategy subtab and enter information for the savings strategy.
- If applicable, select Add Redemption Strategy from the Redemptions subtab.
- If applicable, go to the Return Rates subtab and enter the expected return rates for each field. By default, the investment income is reinvested into the account.
- From the Beneficiaries subtab, define the Primary Beneficiary and Contingent Beneficiary for the account.
- If any account fees apply, go to the Account Fee Setup subtab and select Override.
- Enter the Annual Fee Amount, payment Frequency, and indicate where to Pay Fees From.
- If the account fee is tax deductible, select the Tax Deductible option.
- When you are satisfied with these options, click OK.
continued steps for Investment Portfolio...
- Enter basic information for the account including a Description, Account Type, Owner, and Goal Funding.
- If applicable, indicate whether or not the account is Community Property.
- If applicable, select Add Holdings and enter holding information into the Holdings subtab.
- If applicable, select Add Savings Strategy from the Savings Strategy subtab and enter information for the savings strategy.
- If applicable, select Add Redemption Strategy from the Redemptions subtab.
- If applicable, go to the Return Rates subtab and enter the expected return rates for each field. By default, the investment income is reinvested into the account.
- From the Beneficiaries subtab, define the Primary Beneficiary and Contingent Beneficiary for the account.
- If any account fees apply, go to the Account Fee Setup subtab and select Override.
- Enter the Annual Fee Amount, payment Frequency, and indicate where to Pay Fees From.
- If the account fee is tax deductible, select the Tax Deductible option.
- When you are satisfied with these options, click OK.
continued steps for Mutual Fund...
- Enter basic information for the account including a Description, Account Type, Owner, and Goal Funding.
- If applicable, indicate whether or not the account is Community Property.
- If applicable, select Add Holdings and enter holding information into the Holdings subtab.
- If applicable, select Add Savings Strategy from the Savings Strategy subtab and enter information for the savings strategy.
- If applicable, select Add Redemption Strategy from the Redemptions subtab.
- If applicable, go to the Return Rates subtab and enter the expected return rates for each field. By default, the investment income is reinvested into the account.
- From the Beneficiaries subtab, define the Primary Beneficiary and Contingent Beneficiary for the account.
- If any account fees apply, go to the Account Fee Setup subtab and select Override.
- Enter the Annual Fee Amount, payment Frequency, and indicate where to Pay Fees From.
- If the account fee is tax deductible, select the Tax Deductible option.
- When you are satisfied with these options, click OK.
continued steps for Cash Account...
- Enter basic information for the account including a Description, Account Type, Owner, and Goal Funding.
- If applicable, indicate whether or not the account is Community Property.
- If applicable, select Add Holdings and enter holding information into the Holdings subtab.
- If applicable, select Add Savings Strategy from the Savings Strategy subtab and enter information for the savings strategy.
- If applicable, select Add Redemption Strategy from the Redemptions subtab.
- If applicable, go to the Return Rates subtab and enter the expected return rates for each field. By default, the investment income is reinvested into the account.
- From the Beneficiaries subtab, define the Primary Beneficiary and Contingent Beneficiary for the account.
- If any account fees apply, go to the Account Fee Setup subtab and select Override.
- Enter the Annual Fee Amount, payment Frequency, and indicate where to Pay Fees From.
- If the account fee is tax deductible, select the Tax Deductible option.
- When you are satisfied with these options, click OK.
continued steps for Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation...
- Enter basic information for the account including a Description, Account Type, Owner, and Qualified Basis.
- If applicable, select Add Holdings and enter holding information into the Holdings subtab.
- If applicable, select Add Savings Strategy from the Savings Strategy subtab and enter information for the savings strategy.
- If applicable, select Add Redemption Strategy from the Redemptions subtab.
- If applicable, go to the Return Rates subtab and enter the expected return rates for each field. By default, the investment income is reinvested into the account.
- If any account fees apply, go to the Account Fee Setup subtab and select Override.
- Enter the Annual Fee Amount, payment Frequency, and indicate where to Pay Fees From.
- If the account fee is tax deductible, select the Tax Deductible option.
- Set-up the payment and taxation details under the Distribution subtab.
- For Lump Sum distributions, select where to Direct After-Tax Proceeds, the Type of distribution, and the distribution Start Date.
- For Periodic distributions, select where to Direct After-Tax Proceeds, the Type of distribution, and the distribution Start Date
- Select an At Death Option to indicate how distributions will be affected by client death.
- If applicable, select the Override option indicate the Year to Impose FICA Taxes and the % Applicable to FICA Taxes.
- When you are satisfied with these options, click OK.